Our Project
WIFI Project
Workshops for fight against illiteracy
- Strengthen training systems to meet the challenges presented by illiteracy.
- Put the target group (adult illiterates) in a working environment within the framework of their training/ learning.
- Enhance their ability to learn in non-academic learning settings.
- Professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in training creation: There is a need to tool the trainers to respond to the needs of the trainees.
More precisely, there are many people from different categories who suffer from functional illiteracy not just illiteracy. This means that they might be literate but they are not able to use their literacy skills in a professional context or even in their daily life.
Those people can be:
- with social/functional problem,
- from a socially disadvantaged starta, in the sense that they went to school but did not acquire enough knowledge,
- with psychological dysfunction.
In addition, there are also immigrants who migrate without any educational background (mostly women from country side). This target group needs to acquire basic literacy skills (not just linguistical) to make their integration into the host country and its labour market more easy.
The Project’s Objective
The project’s main goal is to help the target group have access to a first job or training, through the organization of thematic workshops.
The aim is to provide them with a first professional experience accessible to their level and allowing them to work on their initial skills through experience and to develop them in order to access vocational training
The Project’s Outcomes
IO-1 WIFI Study Circle
The partnership will create a research matrix to conduct a study circle to analyze the needs for skills evaluation and to define the objectives of the explanatory needs form the target group and the workshop methodology. Within the framework of this study circle, each partner organization will be able to have a deep discussion with teachers of illiterate adults in order to:
- Identify the main needs of the target group, in terms of skills,
- Identify the skills required by employers in order to facilitate the target group’s integration into the labour market,
- Identify the main training providers that suit the target group and,
- Identify the workplaces where the target group can work after the development of its previously mentioned skills.
IO-2 Explanatory SkillMap
The next phase will be to create the content for the skills map in terms of precise indicators and descriptors to evaluate the workshop participants.
This evaluation will be:
- self-evaluation, then,
- external evaluation of the person (trainee).
IO-3 WIFI Workshops creation
This is the core of the project.In this phase, the partnership will design the "WIFI" workshops and create several work-based exercises taking into account and build up-on the 8 EU basic key skills.
Also, a model for literacy curricular creation will be established.
This will create at least 4 concrete Workshop settings that are easy to implement in any Training center.
IO-4 Workshop pilot
The last phase will be to pilot and experiment the skills map, tool set, exercises and workshops designed in output 2 & 3 among the target group.
First, the outline of the pilot program will be developed.Then, an experimentation with at least 12 illiterate adults of each organization will be done.
The piloting will be done by 2 tutors per country. Before, they will get a teacher training.
The last step will be to elaborate a model, based on 4 workshops, containing precise curricular activities and exercises targeting illiteracy.
The Project’s Partners

OSENGO - France
OSENGO is a non-profit VET organization, specialized in lifelong learning and vocational education, member of the French Vocational Education Federation.
OSENGO has 32 permanent training centers located in four regions of France.
It has an experience in the coordination of European projects in the framework of ERASMUS+ program.
Contact person:
Mathieu SCHAEFER Email: m.schaefer@osengo.fr


Euroform RFS - Italy
Euroform RFS is an Italian VET and adult training institution established in 1996 and accredited by the Calabria and Piedmont regions.
Euroform RFS has been working in the training field for more than 25 years, developing a strong experience in qualitative services offered to students, companies, adults, teachers, etc.

Folkuniversitet - Sweden

Compass - Austria
Project’s Funding

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